Sunday, December 4, 2016

The winter is here


First snow of the winter fell on sequoias in Iowa.

3 inches of heavy wet snow buried the seedlings bending the branches of the taller ones and completely covering smaller ones.

Unfortunately, it is supposed to warm up to 40F (+5C)  tomorrow and the snow will melt. After that a much colder air mass moves in lowering the temperatures to 10F (-12C). The good news is all the trees are going to get a substantial amount of water before the ground starts to freeze.

The nursery with small trees is completely covered as well:

Back in the house the new seeds started to sprout. 5 2013 seeds of giant sequoia germinated after a week on the wet coffee filter. Several dozens of Norway spruce also germinated and no Doug-fir seeds attached to the pieces of cones did. I threw away two out of three containers with the latter and used these two containers for more sequoia seeds from 2013 and 2016 shipment that I got from J.L. Hudson:
Dec 2016 newly germinated sequoias from 2013 batch
None of the 2016 sequoias germinated yet.

Since there were so many germinated Norway seeds I put all of them in one large container rather than dealing with one seed at a time for smaller containers. The ones that survive a few months will be re-planted into individual containers.
Norway spruce germinated abundantly after a week on the coffee filter. Dec 2016

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