Monday, April 13, 2015

We are alive! Sort of.

The warm weather stayed for about a month now. The grass is green and the trees are starting to get first leaves. Some of the sequoias appear to really survive while some appear to be more dead than alive.

Those that survived did so not in the way I expected. Here is a prime example, the EX-leader of the last year, the mighty #34:

#34 April 12, 2015 2 years 5 months.
The top shows no signs of activity, even after a month of 50-70F weather:

#34 April 12, 2015, top detail

However, if I look at the bottom there is a very different story there:
#34 April 12, 2015 bottom detail
And even greater zoom shows a tiny world of activity:
#34 April 12, 2015 zoom
It looks like a mini-forrest just on the trunk of this one plant.

The picture is similar across about half of the samples. A couple remained mostly green (but not showing activity on top branches) while half a dozen are starting to look thiner and more grey without any activity on top or bottom.