Tuesday, August 3, 2021

More detailed sequoia update

It is getting a bit harder to keep track of the sequoias as the time goes by. The plastic labels occasionally get lost, trees grow and make it hard to get close to the labels. With a significant variety of sequoia sources and kinds it is also somewhat challenging to remember which one is which.  The goal of this post is to classify and record sequoias so it would be easier to track later.

Most of the sequoias are grouped into one of four patches. There are also a few individual sequoias spread outside of the patches. Here is simple numbering scheme.

HS - Hazel Smith, 2016-17, all from Crowfoot Nursery
EB - Exceptionally Blue, 2016-17, Crowfoot nursery
OR - Scenic Hill, OR 2016

Patch 1 contains 6 trees:

The info for sequoias on Patch 1 is as follows - 
  1. P1.365 - 45". Germinated from a seed from JL Hudson 2013 batch in December 2016.
  2. P1.HS1 - 15"
  3. P1.HS2 - 15"
  4. P1.HS3 - 41"
  5. P1.Glaucum  - 36"
  6. P1.EB - 46"
Patch 2 contains 9 trees:

  1. P2.534 - 41"
  2. P2.540 - 46"
  3. P2.OR08 - 56"
  4. P2.OR09 - 57"
  5. P2.OR10 - 50"
  6. P2.OR11 - 39"
  7. P2.HS01 - 15"
  8. P2.HS02 - 48"
  9. P2.EB - 60"

Patch 3 contains 12 trees:
  1. P3.OR01 - 40"
  2. P3.OR02 - 22"
  3. P3.OR04 - 54"
  4. P3.OR06 - 30"
  5. P3.HS01 - 29"
  6. P3.HS02 - 24"
  7. P3.HS03 - 38"
  8. P3.HS04 - 15"
  9. P3.HS05 - 34"
  10. P3.HS06 - 24"
  11. P3.HS07 - 16"
  12. P3.HS08 - 31"

Patch 4 contains 3 trees:
  1. P4.HS01 - 47"
  2. P4.HS02 - 43"
  3. P4.EB - 41"
And another view from above but a bit different angle:

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