Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas expansion

The project grew a bit larger this Christmas season.

How much larger? Here are two pictures for scale. One is a top down view of the current area of operations. The second is a zoomed out area with the first area inset for comparison. 

New total area outlined in red is now a bit over 12 acres, which is approximately 5 hectares. Magenta rectangle shows relative size of the sequoia patch within the larger area. 

The vast majority of the new land depicted with darker green is rough forested terrain. Several large hills are separated by deep creeks. 

The work to clear out space for the trails and new locations for sequoias will begin in the spring. There is also a plan to build a solar farm to supply the sequoia hill operations with energy.

In other news, Bitcoin hit an All Time High (ATH). 


  1. Boris,

    It looks to me like your plot is surrounded by woods. That is a HUGE plus! I wish I had it so good. Absolutely NOTHING on my west side to break the wind.

    Sequoias require full sun but if there are trees just a bit further back, wind speeds can be greatly reduced and the Sequoias can still have their sun.
